Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Community Opportunity Plan
The Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Community Opportunity Plan developed options to optimize multimodal active transport, open space and recreational enhancement on the heavily used part of the trail within the heart of the Village of New Paltz.
UCTC and a local technical advisory committee worked with landscape architecture experts Weintraub/Diaz in 2019 and 2020 to lead the planning and design process. The W/D team focuses on “integrating natural systems using a sustainable, restorative, holistic, and comprehensive design approach.” The firm will be guided by a local advisory committee consisting of key stakeholders from the community.
The plan examined the WVRT from Plains Road north to Huguenot Street, approximately 1.5 miles, with a focus on the area from Plains Road to Mulberry Street.
Key components of the project included a thorough inventory and analysis of the study area, and a public engagement process to identify opportunities and concerns.
The Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Community Opportunity Plan was developed by the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) in partnership with the Village of New Paltz, Wallkill Valley Land Trust, and Historic Huguenot Street.
Contact: Brian C. Slack, Principal Transportation Planner, UCTC
bsla@co.ulster.ny.us(link sends e-mail) (845) 334-5590