Mid-Hudson Transportation Management Area
Urbanized areas with an urbanized population of 200,000 or more persons are classified as Transportation Management Areas (TMA) subject to additional Federal requirements and scrutiny. The Mid-Hudson Valley TMA is unique in New York in that it is formed by three separate and independent MPOs – the Dutchess County Transportation Council (DCTC), the Orange County Transportation Council (OCTC), and the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC). Each of these MPOs is hosted by their county’s planning department and each of the MPO membership structures, committee structures, and voting procedures are similar.
The staffs of the three MPOs hold meetings as necessary concerning TMA requirements, and coordinate on work activities such as planning studies and other work products. The MPOs individually develop other federal planning work products separately such as the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). In each of these work products, the three MPOs provide information on the partnership that makes up their TMA, including specific collaborative work products, such as freight, transit, and congestion planning and mitigation activities.
The three TMA MPOs jointly manage an ArcHUB page that includes greater detail regarding recent focus areas, such as freight, congestion and regional transit. Click here to learn more.
Key Documents
A summary of key TMA work products and reports is provided below: