Route 9W Corridor Management Plan

In 2018, the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC), in conjunction with the Towns of Marlborough and Lloyd and NYS Department of Transportation, developed the following corridor management plan for the Route 9W corridor. The Route 9W Corridor Management Plan (CMP) assessed existing transportation conditions, analyzed available crash data, and completed safety assessments to identify short- and long-range recommendations to improve vehicular and non-vehicular access, safety and mobility along the NYS Route 9W corridor. The plan also evaluated the impacts of development proposals and local land use laws on future access, operations and safety, and in turn, provided ways to mitigate those impacts.

This CMP builds upon previous UCTC and other relevant studies, including the Marlboro Hamlet Area Transportation Plan (2008); Ulster County Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (2008); and Marlborough Safe Routes to School Action Plan (2016). The CMP was coordinated with the update of the Town of Marlborough comprehensive plan.

The CMP  includes an assessment of current traffic and safety conditions, estimates of future growth, and suggested changes to roadway characteristics, intersection configurations, roadway access, roadway striping and control devices, safety and traffic flow improvements, as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements. Along with relevant data sources, the CMP utilized local land use plans and zoning and subdivision laws to ascertain the intensity and design of future land use development for the area and prepared a set of transportation recommendations that are in accordance with those data. The final outcome is a set of detailed transportation strategies that are affordable, accepted by the community, in accordance with local plans and regulations, serving the needs of all users.

Contact Brian C. Slack, Principal Transportation Planner at UCTC for more information sends e-mail) (845) 334-5590