Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

Click Here to Access Information Regarding the 2025 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Update

The Ulster County Transportation Council’s (UCTC) Transportation Improvement Program or “TIP” is a five-year fiscally constrained financial plan for implementing transportation improvements in Ulster County. One of the most important functions of a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is to work cooperatively with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and transit operators when programming and administering all Federal dollars for transportation improvements. The TIP update and amendment processes are governed by a series of Federal requirements identified within TIP document. Procedures for amending the TIP are established by UCTC and are similarly found in the narrative section of the TIP document.

Biennial updates to the TIP are initiated by UCTC and NYSDOT staff approximately 6 months before TIP adoption. Amendments to the TIP are performed at any time between biennial TIP updates. Both TIP updates and amendments are performed to reflect changes in costs, funding sources, scheduling and priorities. Approved TIP updates and amendments are forwarded to NYSDOT, and then on the Federal Highway Administration or Federal Transit Administration for additional and final approval to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), respectively. A UCTC TIP Amendment Log is maintained and posted on the website documenting all changes that have been approved by the UCTC Policy Committee or UCTC staff and are pending State and Federal approval. The Amendment Log lists the nature of all Amendments and Administrative Modifications made to UCTC TIP projects in the specified year.

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a list of all projects in New York State for which Federal funding is proposed to be used that are scheduled to begin within a designated time frame of four federal fiscal years ( is external)). This time frame is mandated by the federal law known as Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST). The STIP begins as a compilation of regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) that are adopted every two years by MPOs and evolves into one comprehensive list of all highway and transit projects that propose to use Federal funds for transportation improvements statewide. The TIP/STIP update and amendment processes are organized in such a manner because Federal funds are allocated to NYSDOT on a statewide basis rather than to individual communities, counties or regions. NYSDOT determines how much Federal aid is allocated to Regions, MPOs, and rural areas within New York State.

UCTC FFY 2023 – 2027 TIP (Full document – Effective October 1, 2022)

Local Project Listings as of October 2024

Public Presentation(link is external) of the Draft 2022 – 2027 TIP – July 5, 2022

TIP Amendment Log

Proposed Amendments Open for Public Comment through November 13, 2024

  • Resolution 2025-08: Amendment to Add Ulster County Area Transit PIN 8TU022 – Purchase 4 Battery Electric Buses and Transit Software
    Sponsor: Ulster County Area Transit
    Total Project Cost:

The UCTC Policy Committee will consider all public comments and the amendment at the upcoming Policy Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday April 22, 2025.

Press Release

Annual Federal Obligation Report

Other Documents