Ulster County Transportation Staff

Dennis M. Doyle
Director, Transportation Council/Ulster County Planning Department
ddoy@co.ulster.ny.us (845) 340-3340Mr. Doyle was hired by Ulster County Planning on November 12, 1974 and appointed Director on April 1, 2004. He also serves as Director of the Ulster County Transportation Council. He brings 47 years of experience from various aspects of the planning field. Mr. Doyle has extensive expertise in the planning process and associated regulatory environment, technical knowledge in the environmental sciences, site design and demographics. He has assisted municipalities, developers, and neighborhoods on issues associated with community and economic development as well as natural resource preservation. Mr. Doyle regularly provides training and technical assistance to municipalities and others in areas that include comprehensive planning, project reviews, transportation systems, and resource protection. He was born and raised in Ulster County. Mr. Doyle holds a degree in Geology with additional training reflecting his experience in planning.

Brian C. Slack
Principal Transportation Planner
bsla@co.ulster.ny.us (845) 334-5590Brian received a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University at Buffalo in 2003 and began working as a professional planner in Rochester, NY shortly thereafter. In 2011 he moved to Ulster County to begin working as a transportation planner for the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC). In his role as Principal Transportation Planner for the UCTC, Brian focuses on all elements of the transportation planning process, including bike, pedestrian, highway, safety, and transit planning as well as state and federal rules governing use of the transportation system and federal aid. Brian has also served as the Coordinator of Traffic Safety for the Ulster County Traffic Safety Board since 2021.

Marianne Ananew
Secretary to the Director
mdav@co.ulster.ny.us (845) 340-3340Marianne Ananew, Secretary to the Director of Planning, has worked for the Planning Department since 2002; she functions as an office administrator for the department as well as being a FOIL officer and Notary Public. Ms. Ananew has an AS degree from SUNY Ulster and has been with Ulster County since 1996.