Highland Elementary and Middle School SRTS Action Plan
The Action Plan was developed during the 2013-2014 school year, in conjunction with a School Working Group that included the Principal, Town Supervisor, Town Councilman, Elementary School teacher, and two Middle School teachers. Existing conditions were evaluated and a set of infrastructure and program recommendations were developed to improve walking and bicycling to and from the Elementary and Middle Schools. The SRTS Action Plan is available below and the key recommendations are summarized here:

Priority Recommendations:
$ = Minimal to $500
Volunteer effort and low funding required
$$ = $500 to $10,000
Moderate amounts of funding required
$$$ = $10,000 +
High amounts of funding required
Priority Recommendation # 1 -Identification of SRTS Facilitator & Initiation of Basic Bicycling and Walking Safety Education
Cost – $
Groups – School Administration, Local Advisory Committee, and UCTC
Description – The school or town should identify a staff member or volunteer (possibly an interested parent) to facilitate the initiation of the Safe Routes to School Program for the school.
Priority Recommendation # 2 – Formation of Safe Routes to School Task Force & Program Promotion
Cost – $
Groups – Safe Routes to School Facilitator and School Administration
Description- The facilitator should reach out to interested persons to begin the formation of an informal SRTS taskforce for the school. The taskforce should include members of the local advisory committee, parents, teachers, school administration, and local residents.
Priority Recommendation # 3 – School Zone Signage and School Speed Limit
Cost $$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Facilitator and School Administration
Description: The school, through the SRTS Taskforce, should work with the Town of Lloyd to seek written permission to install a school speed zone on the recommended roadway segments. After this approval is granted, high-visibility fluorescent yellow green signs designating the school zone and school zone speed should be installed. Police enforcement and temporary radar trailers can also be used to promote and enforce the new speed limit.
Priority Recommendation # 4 – International Walk and Bike to School Day Event
Cost $-$$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Taskforce, School Administration, PTA, and the Town of Lloyd Police Department
Description: International Walk to School Day is held annually on the first Wednesday in October. This event can serve as a kick-off event to generate awareness and enthusiasm for a Safe Routes to School program. Events may include a special Walking School Bus lead by local politicians or school administrators, school assembly, and contest. Schools may find additional information and register for the event at www.walktoschool.org. Events such as these tend to attract increased attention and excitement that can be tapped to attract volunteers to maintain efforts year-round.
Priority Recommendation # 5 – School connection to HVRT
Cost $$$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Taskforce, School Administration, PTA, and the Town of Lloyd
Description: Sign and install shared lane markings on Main Street. Implement the bicycle boulevard on Elting Place and Commercial Avenue (signage, pavement markings, and traffic calming). Install the sidewalk segment on Commercial Avenue Extension and the crosswalk to the HVRT. This improvement would be an early win for neighborhoods to be able to connect to the school and provide a designated walking and bicycling route to the HVRT from the School.
Priority Recommendation # 6 – Shared Use path between Highland Elementary and Middle Schools
Cost $$$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Taskforce, School Administration, PTA, and Highland School Board
Description: Construct a shared use path along the slope behind the middle school and to the southeast of the elementary school playground to connect the Middle School to the Elementary School. This is important access for emergency evacuations of either school and also allows students to walk between Main Street and Lockhart Lane without walking in the roadway.
Priority Recommendation # 7 – Bike parking at Highland Elementary and Middle Schools
Cost $$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Taskforce, School Administration, PTA, and Highland School Board
Description: Purchase and install bike racks at each school, located near the entrance in a secure and visible location. Underneath an overhang or some other type of roof structure would be beneficial.
Priority Recommendation # 8 – Construct pedestrian and bicycle connection between Elementary School and Vineyard Avenue
Cost $$$
Groups: Safe Routes to School Taskforce, School Administration, PTA, and Highland School Board, Town of Lloyd
Description: Stripe the sidepath on the driveway, install bollards and mirror. Complete the sidewalk gap between the school driveway and the existing sidewalk. Install traffic calming measures, signage and pavement markings for bicycle boulevard. Install high visibility crosswalks at the school driveway and the intersection of Vineyard Avenue and Woodside Place.