This section is intended to provide an introduction to specific infrastructure improvements commonly used for Safe Routes to School. Not all treatments are appropriate at every school location. In all cases engineering judgement should be exercised when determining the best infrastructure solution. Engineering judgement should also be used to determine which treatments are appropriate on school property and on local, county, and state roadways.
Ulster County has a variety of urban and rural roadways. Some infrastructure is more appropriate in an urban context while crosswalks and wide shoulders may be more appropriate in a rural context.
There are a variety of engineering resources that can be utilized in design of infrastructure improvements. These resources are listed below. In all cases, local guidance will supersede national design guidelines.
- The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the NYS Supplement
- The NACTO Bikeways Design Guide
- AASHTO Greenbook and Bicycle Facilities Design Guidebook
- NYS Highway Design Manual