Funding Opportunities
2026 UCTC Transportation Improvement Program Call for Projects
The Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) is conducting an update of the Transportation Improvement Program/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (TIP/STIP) covering federal fiscal years 2026-2030. UCTC has evaluated the funding needs of existing projects already on the UCTC TIP and allocated additional federal funds as needed using current fiscal funding targets.
UCTC is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) letters from Ulster County municipalities regarding how best to utilize the remaining federal transportation funds. Over $16 million in federal transportation funds across several programs are estimated to be available for future programming. Projects that emphasize a safety improvement will receive priority. Over $12 million has been set aside specifically for bridge projects.
To learn more about available funding and how to apply, visit
To learn more about the TIP update process, visit
Deadline for applications is March 28, 2025. Contact for more information.
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To learn more about applying for roadway departure program funds for local roads, visit