Saugerties Area Mobility Analysis (SAMA)
A Route 32/212/9W Corridor Area Alternatives Study Phase II
The Saugerties Area Mobility Analysis (SAMA) is a comprehensive Saugerties area transportation study intended to analyze the existing transportation environment such as congestion and delays, signal timing, railroad crossing safety, truck traffic, roadway geometry, land use, transit service, parking, pedestrian safety issues and identify innovative and feasible solutions based upon public input and technical analysis. The study area includes the Village of Saugerties and portions of both the Town of Saugerties and the Town of Ulster. The SAMA study is comprised of three phases: Phase 1 is the origin and destination survey managed by NYSDOT; Phase 2 is the existing conditions analysis (now underway and managed by UCTC staff); and Phase 3, if recommended, will help analyze the impacts of future alternatives. The project (Phase 2) was initiated in 2005 as a two-year study.
Committee Members
Member | Organization |
Mark Anduze | NYS Thruway Authority |
Barbara Budik | Town of Saugerties |
Mike Campbell | Village of Saugerties |
Mircea Catona | UC Dept. of Public Works |
Dennis Doyle | UC Planning Board/UCTC |
John Dragun | Village of Saugerties Business Association |
Richard Frisbie | Village of Saugerties Business Association |
Greg Helsmoortel | Town of Saugerties |
Mary Leahy | Village of Saugerties |
Jim Rapoli | NYSDOT Region 8 |
Judith Spektor | Town of Saugerties |
Leanne Thornton | Town of Saugerties |
Bill Tobin | UCTC |
Nick Woerner | Town of Ulster |
Bob Yerick | Village of Saugerties |