Kingston Intermodal Facility Site Location and Conceptual Design Analysis
In 2009 the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) completed a study of various public transportation issues which called for a number of service and facility improvements to the public transportation system. The need for a new intermodal transit facility in the City of Kingston area emerged as one of the highest priorities in the recently completed Ulster County Fixed Route Public Transportation Coordination and Intermodal Opportunities Analysis.
In recognition of this identified need, the UCTC retained professional consultant services to help identify intermodal facility site locations in the Kingston area and develop conceptual intermodal facility designs to meet the needs of public and private carriers as well as the public. Specific tasks include analyzing different site locations for feasibility and site circulation issues, stakeholder outreach, public involvement, conceptual facility design and developing planning level cost estimates for alternative site locations. The objective of this analysis is to conduct a more detailed examination of an intermodal facility, recommend a single site, and develop a preferred plan. The UCTC’s Transit Advisory Committee served as the project’s steering committee.