Ulster County Transit Systems Integration Plan
The Ulster County Transit Systems Integration Plan (“Integration Plan”) was initiated in September 2016 by the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) after the finalization of the 2016 Ulster County/City of Kingston Sales Tax Agreement. This agreement acknowledged the importance of intermunicipal cooperation and further sought to “facilitate a single bus transit system within the County, and operated by the County, so long as such system does not result in any additional cost to the County.”
The purpose of the project is to explore issues which affect the current nature of transit service in Ulster County and identify opportunities to increase cooperation, improve service and, if possible, decrease taxpayer costs. Promulgating joint purchasing agreements, developing economies of scale from consolidating functions, reducing administrative costs through improved coordination, and elimination of service and operational redundancies all may be effective methods of reducing costs without cutting bus routes.
The analysis has identified methods to minimize potential impacts to Citibus or UCAT employees. When federal funds are used to acquire, improve, or operate a public transit system, federal law requires arrangements to protect the interests of public transit employees. The plan is intended to allow local leaders and the public to clearly and objectively evaluate the benefits and costs associated with consolidating services, particularly when considering the overlapping service areas of UCAT and Citibus. TransPro Consultants has been selected as the project consultant. A Technical Advisory Committee consisting of NYSDOT regional representatives and Ulster County and City of Kingston representatives has been formed to oversee the the study; the project is expected to be completed by October 2017. A public meeting has been scheduled for November 13th to present project findings.
For more information, contact Brian Slack bsla@co.ulster.ny.us(link sends e-mail) (845) 334-5590